The more a man is at one within himself, and becomes single in heart, so much the more and higher things does he understand without labor; for he receives the light of understanding from above. A pure, sincere, and stable spirit is not distracted in a multitude of affairs, for it works all to the honor of God, and inwardly strives to be at rest from all self-seeking. What hinders and troubles you more than the unmortified affections of your own heart? A good and devout man prepares beforehand the works which he is to do before the world.  Neither do they draw him according to the desires of a sinful inclination, but he himself orders them according to the decision of right reason.  Who has a harder struggle than he who labors to conquer himself ? This ought to be our endeavor to conquer ourselves, and daily to wax stronger, and to make some progress for good.
All perfection in this life has some imperfection bound up with it; and no knowledge of ours is without some darkness.  A humble knowledge of oneself is a surer way to God than a deep search after learning. Yet learning is not to be blamed, nor the mere knowledge of anything whatsoever, for knowledge is good, considered in itself, and ordained by God; but a good conscience and a virtuous life are always to be preferred before it. But because many endeavor rather to know than to live well,